Submit Your App to the OpenStore
Rules for Submission
- Apps not requiring manual review can be submitted by logging in with the "Log In" link above.
- You are only allowed to publish apps that you have permission to distribute.
- You are not allowed to impersonate someone else or another app.
Your app can be pulled without warning at the discretion of our admins. Where possible, we will contact you regarding any such
- Apps requiring manual review must be submitted by contacting an admin in our telegram group.
- You must read over the content policy detailed below.
Rules for Submissions Requiring Manual Review
Send us a link to a repository for your app to our telegram group along with some instructions on how to build it.
Give a short explanation why you can't publish the app without extra privileges. No need to go into details, a one liner like "needs
to run a daemon in the background" will do. List all the special features you have, if there are more.
If an application could be published without manual review if it wouldn't be for that one cool feature, publish a stripped down
version! Not everyone will want to install apps with less confinement.
Only open source applications allowed for manual review: As the applications might have arbitrary access to the device, every
manually reviewed app will get a source code review.
OpenStore App Content Policy
One of the main goals of the OpenStore is to provide a safe app store for people of all ages. To accomplish this goal we do not allow
certain types of app to be published. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in your app being removed. Any account with serious
infractions may be subject to termination. The OpenStore team thanks you for helping us promote a better enviroment for everyone.
Prohibited Apps:
- Sexually Explicit Content:
Apps containing or promoting sexually explicit content are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, pornography and
services promoting sexually explicit content.
- Child Endangerment:
Apps containing or promoting child abuse or child sexual abuse are strictly prohibited.
- Violence:
Apps containing or promoting gratuitous violence are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, violence, terrorism,
bomb/weapon making, self harm, and grotesque imagery.
- Harassment, Bullying, or Hate Speech:
App containing or promoting any of the above are strictly prohibited.
- Gambling:
Apps containing gambling involving real world money transactions are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, online
casinos, betting, and lotteries.
- Illegal Activities:
Apps promoting illegal activities (based on USA law) are not allowed.
- Malware:
Apps that are found to be stealing the users data, trying to escalate their privileges without user consent, or executing
malicious process are strictly prohibited.