App to be able to play interactive fiction games.
Why vanilla? Because it has no information about any game.
- Dark mode since version 1.8.0
- Supported game formats: Adrift v3 and v4, Alan2 and 3, AdvSys, AGT, Glulx, Level 9 Computing, Magnegtic Scrolls, Scott Adams, TADS, Z-machine (more to come)
- The app downloads information of games from
- Auto-detects game format. Added format chooser
- Special keys for cursor and tab
- Random list of games to download and test
Known issues:
*For a smooth experience disable predictive text and other aids in System Settings / Language and Text*
- Save in Save Popup will not activate but you can tap on return (or disable predictive text)
- Some games (ie: eliza.z5) asks for a letter for some menu entries and game stops responding (needs a space behind the letter) or disabling predictive text
- Modern Magnetic Scrolls games (c*.mag) start with no graphics: make sure you copies the graphics files into the folder and type «graphics»
- Some games doesn't work properly (if they having more than one window of each kind)
- Some pictures behave weirdly
- Transcription is not implemented and will stop game play
- Hints doesn't work on Magnetic Scrolls games
-Updated remglk to v0.3.1
-Updated terps: Hugo v3.1.06, Level9 v5.2, Magnetic v2.3.1, Scare v1.3.10, TADS2 and TADS3
-Fix small bugs
-Changed version of Adventure available
-Update to Focal
- Fix for games with timer stopping on input
- Fix on games with animation stopping / waiting for it to finish
- TADS games work now on arm64 (Thanks cspiegel)
- Keyboard will not jump. Advice: DISABLE typing aids from System Settings
- Updated Babel for better guess games
- Updated TADS interpreter
Updated Franch tanslation (thanks Anne Onyme)
- 2.1.1
Fix size and ratio of images (hopefully :D)
- 2.1.0
Added theme chooser
Onscreen special keys (cursors and tabs). Improved character management
Support for phisycal keyboard cursor and tab keys
Fixed automatic scrolling text and better focus management
Bigger button areas
Better code for ContentHub
Tweaked unzip to skip existent files
Updated databse website source
App as binary (Thanks Jonnius)
Debugging will also show c++ messages
Updated Catalan translation
Code cleaning (app should be a bit faster with big images)
- Added search in the imported games list
- Added game download page
- Enable unzip zip files
- Terp chooser for game (If a game is not correctly detected, you can choose how to run it)
- Import chooser (import more than 1 file and you'll be asked for which to run)
- Moved c++ database to sqlite
- Saved Games ordered by game name or IFID
- Fixes GameInfo Dialog
- Fixed deleting non existent files crash
- Add untranslated strings and update pot
- Updated Catalan translation
- Code cleaning
- Updated remGLK
- Updated several interpreters
- Code and layout cleaning
- Fixed headers and overlapping images on Level 9 games
- Better game detection
- Fixed ifiction files not updatable
- Updated About page
- Updated French translation (thanks Anne Onyme 017)
- Quick fix for saving/restoring TADS games
- fixed not able to save under certain circumstances (terp giving error when cancelling)
- better error handling
- fixed terp stopping when pressed Esc to dismiss save/restore Dialog
- fixed timer being overlooked (fixes playing «Ke rulen los petas»)
- fixed inline images being ignored
- unified all only-text terps under one qml page
- added missing scott terp
- added desktop keywords
- updated Catalan translation
- fixed SuruDark errors
- cleaned codes
- deleted unused qml files
- updated About page
- Fix saved games list not showing savedgames
- Updated project structure
- Fixed issues with interpreter chooser
- Added advsys and adrift interpreters
- Fixed image size
- Fixed images not showing in glulx
- Build for arm64
- Update App Name in desktop File
- Fixes games not working on fresh app install (thanks Katherine)
- Fixes first game imported not showing in the list
- Fixed About typo
- Updated translations
- Qml clean up and small changes to code
- Added text styles
- Fixed preformatted text line break
- Empty images don't show empty space
- Added ScottAddams and Agility interpreters
- No automatic scroll
- No debug info text
- Fixed saving issue when using TADS games
- Fixed saving issue on L9 games
- Fixed missed saved game icon
- Fixed zblorb not recognized correctly
- Other minor bugs
- Added support for TADS, Magnetic Scroll and Glulxe interprets
- Updated Catalan translation
- Fixed bug stopping games if action was entered while drawing an image
- Changed interpreter fortz with bocfel
- Added changes for Level 9 games from Gelek
- better image size
- mini menu for small screens
- little bug fixes
- Initial support for z6 games and grid text
- trunkated json bug fixed
- Support for Utf8 characters (non English games)
- Bug fixes
- Initial commit
This app has been released under the GNU GPL v2 license. It is developed in the open and you can review the source code.
Published Date
Sep 12, 2018
Updated Date
Sep 18, 2024
Total Downloads
Latest Version Downloads
Supported Architectures
armhf, arm64, amd64
Translation Languages
ca, es, fr
Source Code
Reviewed Oct 29, 2024 for version 3.1.0
Edit: was wrong, it does have dark mode. Sorry!