This app lets you to track your activities into handy gpx files and to watch on a map your paths whenever you want
Files are saved under ~/.local/share/activitytracker.cwayne18/
The app needs to be in foreground and the screen must be kept unlocked. Otherwise recording will stop.
Known issues:
- map shows "api key required"
- track length in list does not match recorded 2D or 3D length
- updated: translations, many thanks to all translators!
- fixed: #1 map shows message "API key required" by using Thunderforest free map as default (thanks a lot guys for providing that!)
- added: more Thunderforest map types (personal API key needed)
- added: "waiting for position" info bubble
- added: option to have position fixed to map center or move freely around
- added: note in settings which mile is used (British imperial and US customary unit)
- improved: only enable "start" button if there is a position available
- improved: copyright notice overlay with clickable links added (same content)
- updated: translations, many thanks to all translators!
- fixed: map marker now keeps fixed size regardless of map zoom
- improved: editing a track name when saving, now uses the placeholder text as given input
- improved: add word wrap to button text to allow longer translations
- improved: reduced logging in several places
- updated: translations, many thanks to all translators!
- new maintainer @danfro
- improved: updated app for focal/20.04
- improved: move translations to ubports hosted weblate (Thanks to Weblate for sponsoring this service!)
- added: sport type SUP and nordic walking
- added: pause option
- fixed: app icon not showing (thanks @ivoxavier)
- improved: cancel recording dialog handling
- improved: now distances in main screen use locale separator
- improved: changelog and readme have been split into two separate files for easier reading
- updated: translations, many thanks to all translators!
v 0.15:
- Update the web library use to Morph.Web
- Update translation
v 0.14:
- Add the possibility to calibrate the altitude
- Remove JavaScript lib
- Thanks to the contributors to update translation
- remove .gpx file when trip is deleted
- Add Unicycle sport
- Filter activities by type
v 0.13:
- weblate integration and lots of new languages
v 0.12.1:
- spanish translation
v 0.12:
- Import new activities from gpx files
- Edit activity name and sport
- Show activity track info
- Choose every how many time save a point in the track
- Bug fixing and general UX enhancement
This app has been released under the GNU GPL v3 license. It is developed in the open and you can review the source code.
Published Date
Nov 12, 2018
Updated Date
May 30, 2024
Total Downloads
Latest Version Downloads
Supported Architectures
Translation Languages
ab, af, ar, ca, ca@valencia, de, el, en_GB, en_IE, es, es_BO, eu, fa, fi, fr, fr_AG, hi, hr, id, it, ka, kn, mn, nb_NO, nl, or, pl, pt, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru, sr, sv, ta, tr, uk, zh_HANS-CN, zh_Hant
Source Code
Reviewed Feb 22, 2024 for version 1.0.0
Very good app ti track your sport activity. Thank you!
Reviewed Oct 26, 2022 for version 0.15
20220418 Vollaphone - Great app. It works fine with display 'on'. How to contact the developer?
Reviewed Sep 7, 2022 for version 0.15
Does only record when the app is in foreground with screen on.
Reviewed Dec 18, 2021 for version 0.15
Beautiful app, but it doesn't run in the background. Only works with screen on
Walter Garcia-Fontes
Reviewed May 25, 2020 for version 0.15
Very good app. Using it daily.
Reviewed May 18, 2020 for version 0.14
Fonctionne parfaitement... Juste un peu long niveau synchro GPS au démarrage mais surement lié à l'OS