/ Lifestyle


by nymea GmbH developer


nymea client application


About nymea:app

nymea transforms your regular smart devices into a harmoniously connected ecosystem.

The uses for nymea are broad, varying from a powerful smart home to connect individual things and remotely control them or make them smart.

All it takes is to set up nymea in your network, e.g. by copying the nymea image to a Raspberry Pi or installing it on any other Linux powered computer in your network, and use nymea:app to easily connect all your devices and services.

While being fully open source, nymea respects the users privacy and keeps on working even without internet connection by following an offline first approach.

Out of the box, nymea can connect to hundreds of things. If your thing is not supported, we’re open source and have all the tools you need & step-by-step guides ready for you to connect your device!

Find us on https://www.nymea.io to get the nymea image and install instructions or ask for help on the forums: https://forum.nymea.io

A nymea installation is required for working with nymea:app. nymea can easily be installed on a Raspberry Pi or any other computer running Linux.

Out of the box, nymea can connect the following things:
- Philips Hue
- Elgato Smart Lights
- Netatmo
- Pushbullet
- Kodi
- LG Smart TV
- Open Weather Map
- Serial Port devices
- and many more

Find us on https://www.nymea.io
Get the nymea image and install instructions on https://nymea.io or ask for help on the forums: https://forum.nymea.io

*Note* nymea:app requires full system permissions at this point because not all apparmor policies are in place for it to work properly. For more information, please see
* https://github.com/ubports/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/issues/12
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/1404188

Recent Changes

* Remove deprecated forum link

* Prevent unlocking yourself as admin user

* Add additional imprint links

* Bump version

* Bump version to 1.9.16

* Add server debug JSON RPC functionality

* Fix multisection tabs font

* Adapt links to online privacy policy through configuration parameter

* Clean up host information propertly once removed from settings
* Add wireless capabilities and disable wireless AP setting if not capable

* Update nymea-remoteproxy submodule

* Add wifi networks filter duplicates option

* Introduce overview for states and events of things

* Android: Update to firebase SDK 12.2.0

* Update Aboutpage regarding the licence term

* Update to gradle 8 and android SDK 34

* Update tunnel proy configuration and german translation

* Update gradl and android firbease SDK and GCM notification handling

* Update translations and company name

* Update translations and fix german typos

* Add Timer::restart() to script code completion
* Some layout fixes in the Sensor page

* Fix kiosk systemd target

* Fix removing window sensors in AC settings

* New thing status view

* Fix ordering of live entries in logs

* Only handle things as disconnected when they implement the connectable interface
* Add copy to clipboard action to generic state delegates
* Improve ScriptEditor zoom keyboard keys

* Fix bool charts after inverting them

* Invert state chart painting

* fix typo dden to den

* Allow editing rule exitActions

* Fix sensor list page delegate updating
* Fix Button event view

* Make dashboard wizard usable on small screens
* Update translations and complete german translation
* Add dashboard sensor delegate support

* Ubuntu touch 20.04

* Add dashboard state delegate
* Fix some issues with logs

* Add czech translation
* Remove debug print leftover

* Fix SSL enabled checkbox when editing a tunnel proxy connection

* Add support for dynamic and localized possibleValues on states

* Dutch translation ready

* Fix paramdelegate for editing rules

* Improve param delegates

* Replace some Android support.v4 with androidx libraries

* Add code completion for action executed events

* Remove old logs view from the thing context menu
* Disable dashboard longpress editmode

* Fix dashboard charts title for non-numeric states

* Update nymea-app.nl.ts

* Improve rules editor

* Update nymea-app.de.ts

* Drop old unused cloudEnabled settings

* Fix import in AC view

* Hide ac admin options for users
* Fix popup being cut off in AC time scehdule editor

* Fix value axis labels for negative values in StateChart

* Improve action/event log views when there's no data yet

* Bump version to 1.8

* Fix icon on missig AC plugin placeholder message

* Fix new charts for older Qt versions

* add build folder to .gitignore
* fix typo thigns to things

* Fix a missing changed signal in AC settings

* Update android's libssl to latest version

* Add a confirmation question when removing a thing

* Update translations
* Improve tooltips in new charts

* Use a ComboBox for number states with allowedValues

* Fix scrolling by touch in AC charts
* Adjust repeat combobox width when creating a rule

* Improve ac charts

* Improve new logs integration further

* Improve new logging stuff further

* More work on the new logs

* Fix dashboard chart item for legacy charts

* Add support for the new log engine (protocol version 8.0)

* Fix the script editor breaking when trying to add a new script with errors

* Fix removing a zigbee node from within the nodes view

* Handle inline controls for virtual switch and button
* Add WindowCovering zigbee cluster id

* Optimize loading performance of the energy history charts

* Fix a typo in german translation
* Add a find() method to SerialPorts

* Hide user admin settings for unprivileged users
* Fix overlapping views at startup
* Allow overriding the IOS_TEAM_ID
* Change how translations are loaded

* Ignore return code 3010 from vcredist package.
* Bump version to 1.7

* Update translations

* Fix the main menus remove buttons being clickable when hidden

* Switch to demo server with authentication

* Support notification alerts for air conditioning
* Don't show a positive currentPower for producers in thing page
* Make the producer visible when there's return

* Fix power balance chart when there's returned energy but no producer

* Add PrivacyPolicyHelper

* Add more sensor delegates to ZoneView and allow opening the thing view

* Fix selection in power balance history

* Rework overlay mechanism

* Fix close button in main menu to remove a connection
* Improve wording for unknown error
* Fix working in rules param condition selectors

* Some fixes for older Qt versions

* Fix calculation of zone temperature in certain circumstances

* Allow ordering the hosts list

* Add air conditioning experience

* Fix network settings appearing to freeze on errors

* more iOS reachabilitty tuning

* Initial upload for 20.04

* Fix frequent reconnects on iOS
* Fix energy chargs legend opacity when single items are selected

* Enable building on riscv64
* Fix webview not working in the snap package

* Hide install more plugins hint when the system does not support it

* Suggest to install more plugins in add things page

* Specify some base interfaces for better grouping
* Fix energy return in chart when there are no producers
* cleanup runtime debug prints
* Drop connection tabs support
* Move utils into separate module

* Make energy logs more robust against faulty databases
* Fix rule action param editor with value from state

* Bump version

* Improve managing of manual connections

* Fix a crash with checking location permissions on old androids
* Fix some permission backwards compatibility issues with older android versions
* Fix firebase libs for android x86

* Update translations

* Fix bluetooth permission checking for android <= 30 (11)

* Refresh notification permission on iOS when the app is focused

* Fix some glitches in energy chats if the user changes the time zone

* Add NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription declaration for iOS

* Add a check for location services being enabled in BtWiFi setup

* Ignore error code 1638 in win installer for the vc_redist package

* Add vibration sensor interface

* Drop AWS cloud support

* Fix energy canvas scaling problems on iOS

* Add ios location permission declaration

* Fix bluetooth permission on android
* Add ubuntu mono font

* More improvements on the energy view
* Add MultiSelectionTabs component

* Fixes on unified energy charts

* Some fixes in the platform permission helper for android

* Tweak rendering performance for power balance animation

* Fix crash in the connectionwizard on android (requesting localnetwork permission)

* Update permission handling

* Bump android api level to 31
* Unified energy charts

* Add total values to energy device pages
* Fix settings page for Qt 5.9
* Fix dial not using dynamic max value
* Fix a race condition in initializing the android service
* Add support for the childlock interface

* Fix energy charts when DST changes

* Bump version to 1.5

* Fix NymeaUtils.pad() regression

* Update translations

* Zigbee cleanup
* Fix energy consumers history sometimes not loading when a filter is set

* Align various sensor displays

* More air quality sensors
* Fix style of media browser header
* Add support for wired network configuration

* Show serial port name when adding a zwave network
* Fix a typo in the german translation
* Send last queued command in an actionqueue on destruction
* Update gas interface

* Add code completion for new script things

* Fix placeholder replacement for interface based rule templates
* Fix things info for Zigbee nodes with multiple things
* Another fix for the energy tooltips
* Fix occational duplicate entries in consumer stats

* Allow binding all clusters to the coordinator
* Fix params for actions in the generic log page

* Add support for Android themed icons

* Fix destination node selection for Zigbee bindings
* Re-enable energy charts

* Fixes for the energy dashboard for various corner cases

* Add support for configuring ZigBee bindings

* Fix zigbee topology map pinch area

* Optimizations and pinch scaling for Zigbee topology map

* More fixes in the Zigbee Topology map

* Improvements in the ZigBee topology map

* Fixes for the network reachaiblity monitor

* Add ZigBee routing information to topology map

* Add more debug prints to network reachability monitor

* Replace QNetworkworkConfiguration with Reachability API on iOS

* Some improvements in the zigbee topology map

* More fixes in scrollable energy charts

* Add a zigbee network topology map

* Fix tooltips in energy charts
* Fix setup status warning not always updating in ThingsView

* Add support for connecting to hidden wifi networks during bt wifi setup

* Make the energy charts scrollable

* Fix zwave device info data

* Fix Z-Wave security mode display

* Update translations and bump version

* Some fixes in the Energy View if there is only a producer

* Show an appropriate message if Z-Wave is not available on the system

* Some more fixes for Z-Wave

* Show more details about the zwave controller

* Some fixes and improvements for Z-Wave

* Add Z-Wave support

* Only load plugin configs on demand

* Fix nymea:// uri handling on ubuntu touch
* Fix hiding the EnergyView configuration button if there's nothing to configure
* Fix background of consumption balance pie chart if all values are 0

* Fix irrigation auto-off rule

* Fix unit in consumers pie chart (kWh -> kW)

* Add support for deep linking through push notification data
* Add encryption declaration for macOS to Info.plist

* Fix the tunnel proxy configuration sometimes getting lost on sync

* Fix tunnel proxy configurations being messed up on reconnects during runtime
* Fix android navigation panel color

* Fix a potential crash when destroying ProxyModels

* Bump version to 1.3.0

* Fix the new background handling on older Qt versions

* Improve energy tooltips a little more

* Revert early initialisation of the web engine

* Fixes and optimizations

* Fix some back buttons in the wifi setup wizard

* Some visual tweaks in the energy view

* Rework bottom panel

* Replace white push button box image with black one

* Bump version
* Update translations

* Fix power balance stats sometimes not being initialized properly
* Hide battery stats when there are no energy storages installed
* Fix for some light controls being invisible after entering details view

* Fix some typos

* Automatically turn lights on/off when brightness moves from/to 0

* Allow launching custom pages from main menu entries

* Hide user settings on system with push button auth

* Allow executing code in main menu links configuration

* Bump version to 1.1.0

* Update translations

* Add android x86
* Update tunnel proxy url in connection wizard

* More radius
* Improve zigbee settings when a node has multiple things

* Improve sensor views

* Fix color scheme to only use the new palette colors

* Improve energy charts when there is a hidden producer
* Fix fingerprint reader setup page
* Confirm the login form on enter

* Improvements in the energy view
* Fix count property in zigbeedevicesproxy
* Add debug category for bluetooth discovery

* Fix syncing aws devices when they don't have a uuid as id

* Add autocompletion for minimumValue and maximumValue in script editor
* Add icon for car interface
* Don't show wrong time zone in settings page
* Update click package for latest frameworks/clickable

* Fix server time display when client and server timezone don't line up
* Fix zigbee settings loading spinner
* Add mellow style

* Make androidssl submodule shallow
* Show consumption history also if there's only a root meter

* Fix permission handling after push button auth

* Hide producer bars in power balance stats when there are no producers
* Small ventilation interfaces fixes

* Improve some debug prints in the things discovery
* Add more colors to the energy charts

* Fix energy view when there is no root meter

* Add a highlight to energy bar charts

* Fix consumers history double loading glitch
* Fix tooltips for powerbalance history graphs

* Fix thing state logs

* Fix syncing of remote connection settings directly on activation
* More translation fixes

* Rework remote connection settings
* Set default debug level to warning

* Update translations

* Fix OSK size not always being correct with GBoard
* Fix opening package details from main update page

* Fix debug category for cloud transport
* Fix calculation of samples for months and years

* Add support for discoveryType

* Make it work with Qt 5.9 again
* Fix initializing event descriptor params in rules wizard
* Fix discovery wizard if search results return instantly
* Update ZigbeeNodesProxy filter when a device changes reachable state

* Fix connecting via preferred connection

* Fix a crash in the charts when adding/removing things
* Fix a potential crash in Energy logs when disconnecting older setups
* Handle EnterPin setup method

* Clean up preferred connection if it vanishes
* Add support for the virtual button/switch thing classes

* Update rule editor to not use generated events for states any more

* Verbose macOS bundle signing
* Fixes in the energy view

* Allow overriding the macOS signing ID
* Fix re-pair thing call

* Disable charts animations on Samsung S8

* Add support for the TI ZigBee backend
* Fix crash when syncing remote connection configs via a remote connection

* Update mac os certificate name to new Apple default
* Fix modbus baudrate selection
* Fix year in imprint
* Clip the list in the magic page
* Fix wrench icon in energy view missing if all consumers are disabled

* Workaround Qt.inputMethod.keyboardRectangle sometimes being negative

* More work on multi-user support

* Fix version.txt parsing in android builds with QtCreator >= 6

* Make default main view and menu links configurable
* Fix permissions on systems that don't require authentication
* Fix VCS url in debian/control

* Fixes and improvements in the energy charts
* Add initial packaging for openSUSE

* Add support for user permissions

* Fix the crash from previous commit for real

* Fix a crash that may happen during initial loading

* Fix shownThingClassIds filter for older Qt versions
* Improve reconnecting logic even more

* Don't wait for all transport candidates to fail before retrying

* Another little fix in finding the closest to timestamp in a history log

* Drop blurred label
* Improve tooltip dragging in energy charts

* Optimize loading of things

* Fix findClosest() in logsmodel
* Some more fixes in the bluetooth discovery

* Add configuration option to disable magic

* Blur chart tooltips
* Fix header blur

* Prevent mouse event stealing while inspecting chart tooltips

* Hide settings while disconnected
* Some minor tunings in the EnergyView

* Fix a typo in german translation

* Allow disabling plugin settings by configuration

* Settings entries configuration

* Update translations and translate new strings to german

* Fix the check whether the energy plugin is available or not

* Use dynamic min/max values for thermostat view

* Update energy views to finalized API

* Fix bluetoothEnabled state on iOS

* Improvements in the energy view

* Fixes in NymeaConnection

* Immediately delete a disconnected transport

* Add timestamps to app logs

* Some fixes in the connection setup wizard

* Add energymeters to consumers
* Add missing fl oz unit

* Tune powerbalance stats

* Fix LogsModel::findClosest() returning entries before logging started

* Reenable energy views

* Adjust energy view layouts

* Rework energy view

* Implement energy logger api
* Fix push notifications ids with branding

* Add support for the providedInterfaces thing class property

* Fix german translation for the energy view placeholder

* Add energy manager class

* Add a blue color to stylebase
* Fix uint handling in event descriptor delegate

* Don't depend on qt5-default any more
* Allow renaming Zigbee devices from the zigbee network config page
* Fix a crash when removing smart meters

* Fixes in zigbee settings

* Add support for selecting the channel on zigbee network creation

* Add block size param to logs model

* Fix visuals for stateful garage doors

* Fix double value input in paramdelegates

* Add support for the water level interface

* More smaller fixes in energy views

* Fix layout issues in smart meter views

* Fix layout issues in smart meter views

* Align font sizes across energy views

* Improve ev charger view and minor fixes in similar views

* Add support for dynamic min/max state values
* Update UPnP discovery when the device interfaces change

* Fix reconfiguration of discovered things

* Enable multicast entitlement on iOS

* Improve energy pages
* Fixes in UPnP discovery on iOS

* Modernize and align controllable things pages

* Bump QtZeroConf version
* Hide inactive instances more agressively

* Fix blurry logo with low res screens

* Allow inverting the XYSeriesAdapter values

* Fix tagwatcher not filtering correctly in all circumstances

* Clip notifications list

* Bump QtZeroconf once more

* Update to latest fixes

* Fix saving manual connections in config
* Update QtZeroConf commit

* Fix iOS top panel font color with phone dark mode and light style

* Bigger blocksize in logs
* Reduce font size in graphs

* Fix static value selection in state descriptor editor

* Fix multiple connections setup when autoconnect option is given

* Fix text color in new thing filter panel
* Fix app name in controloverlay

* Fix updating of bt discovery results

* Drop header color settings from style

* Modernize the header visuals

* Add constants for gray to style base
* Add 15 mins sample rate to xyseriesadapter

* Add api to handle discovery errors better

* Energy view fixes

* Add support for gas and CO sensors

* Fix Bluetooth Discovery on Android again

* Fix setup for push notifications
* Show the URL for the debug interface

* Update UBPorts package to Qt 5.12
* Improve setup wizard for things
* Add support for state based value comparison in rules
* Fix webview clipping on OSX
* Use Button controls on thing tiles too

* Add support for translating overlays

* Add a configuration option to hide links in menu

* Move ConnectionInfoDialog to be a component

* Bump Android API target level to 30
* Fix current index in main menu after a setup is aborted
* Fix button margins in wizard pages

* Fix a possible crash in ThingClassesProxy
* Persist generated device serial on Ubuntu Phone
* Disable main view configuration with branding

* Compare BT devices based on uuid instead of mac address

* Fix duplicate BT discovery results on iOS

* Add startup time to logs
* Adjust logging category for bluetooth discovery

* Fix translations generating in deb packages
* Fix smartmeter interfaces

* Fix generating translations in deb package build

* Fix parenting of ThingDescriptors

* Update to latest bt discovery code
* Update translations
* Show interfaces in thing classs details

* Add some more sensor support to inlinecontrols

* Fix an issue when editing rule action params
* Added support for O2, ORP and PH sensors

* Fix the current index when removing a configured host
* Make the webview work in the snap package

* Adjust main menu to fit better with new connection setup

* Allow including cpp sources in the overlay
* Allow running discoveries by interface

* Fix an occational crash in logsmodel

* Add proper category for account interface

* Fix some imports that would prevent it from working on Qt 5.9
* Simplify json notification api

* Some fixes in the wizard

* Zigbee node management and JSON RPC API implementation

* Fix the script console not working directly after deploying a new script
* Fix subtext in generic log viewer entries

* Fix visual glitch while loading the dashboard

* Fix icon sizing in main menu

* Allow overriding the connect wizard by the overlay

* New connection setup wizard

* Some fixes in the Dashboard
* Add support for the Modbus RTU hardware resource

* Align RuleManager api with other apis and add more signals

* Add a Dashboard main view

* Fix height of thing/interface/time selection in rule creation
* Add overlay support to iOS build

* Fix an issue when disabling screen dimming

* Don't delete discovery objects while not needed
* Fix ventilation control
* Rework button visuals

* Use dynamic app name for remote proxy connection

* Fix a crash in the weather view
* Update translations
* Improve some debug prints in nymeaconfiguration

* some fixes in the graph series adapter

* Fix an occationaly crash in logsmodel
* Add support cleaning robots

* Add api to filter for thing class ids

* Added a TagWatcher component
* Convert some old debug prints to new ones

* Fix windows package

* Fix log exporting

* Update translations

* Declare iOS encryption in the Info.plist file

* Fix Thing tile for mediaplayers that also implement the power interface
* Fix eventdescriptor params in edit rule page
* Fix default scene icons
* Fix wind speed display in weather view
* Fix changed signal when new hosts are discovered

* Rename editDevice to editThing
* Inlude also the previous runs logs in the applogcontroller
* Fix a crash on engine destruction
* update evcharger interface
* Fix volume slider limits if a thing doesn't have volume from 0 to 100

* Update devices to things in interfacesproxy
* Add x86_64 support for android build

* Allow disabling individual discovery methods
* Tweak plugin settings pages
* Fix mouse area size of the progressbutton
* Fix group action executions

* Some fixes for units (pressure mostly)
* Extract certificate data before disconnecting

* Don't automatically pair the cloud every time we refresh something from the cloud

* Allow changing the connection given by the --connect flag
* Update the Mac signing ID to the new default by apple
* Fix cloud pairing not working automagically in all cases
* Rename Devices to Things in tags api
* Some fixes in the energy view
* Rename removeDevice to removeThing

* Some more fixes in the BT discovery

* Add sorting capability to generic sortfilter proxy model
* Retry the connection if the discovery finds more URLs for a host afte…
* Rename DeviceDiscovery to ThingDiscovery
* Improve bt setup
* Create a pri for the lib

* Allow resizing the console/error panel in the scripteditor

* Fix weather device list page
* Some improvements in the Script autocompletion

* Fixes for push notifications
* Fix a warning in the gradlew script

* Improve smartmeter and sensor views

* Clean up warnings in code
* Fix presence sensor in sensors list view

* Fix UPnP when multiple hosts reply and add more debug
* Fix the default port for manual connections
* Improve thermostat views
* Revert the hotfix for broken desktop helpers

* Update QtZeroConf
* Fix brightness settings

* Make the screen helper more generic
* Fix erraneously displayed powet switch in generic list page
* Allow changing the tile overlay icon color in the style

* Add some more media templates
* Views cmdline options
* More cmdline style options
* Add a rule template for automatic night mode

* Some fixes for regressions after the style changes

* Rework the styling mechanism

* More fixes for the media player

* More fixes in things lists

* Move main view configuration into menu
* Fixes and improvements for lights

* Remove link in menu logo
* Make menu replace pages instead of pushing
* Fix garage views

* Rework main menu

* Rework media views for new interfaces
* Add support for autosaving in the script editor
* New tiles
* Add support for zigbee network management

* Sort groups alphabetically
* Fix invalid property access with Qt 5.15 in AppLogPage
* Fix adaptive icon on round launchers
* Use main views from branding if set
* Align param and state delegates better

* Fix snap package
* Allow builds with firebase to work on devices without play services again

* Allow building without firebase
* Clean up some list views

* Add support for color the temperature picker in param delegates
* Allow overriding the complete android packaging structure for branding

* Fix the Ubuntu phone build

* Add support for writing NFC tags and launching stuff with them

* Add Fastlane structure for F-Droid
* Fix Android Device Controls not always loading on initial setup

* Fix app freeze when selecting a point in an empty graph
* Add barcode scanner grouping
* Fix entering uncategorized when there's only 1 thing
* Improve notifications view
* Allow overriding the header icon in styles

* Reduce Android target API to 29

* Fix entering thing pages
* Add new permission requests as required by iOS 14

* Fix the footer dropshadow

* Fix more views that broke on the LogsModel transition
* Autocomplete action params in script editor
* Fix inputtrigger view
* Fix warning because of bad arg usage

* Make Pane corners slightly rounded in energize style

* More fixes and translations

* Fixes and translations
* Add engergize style

* Make the main view more customizable
* Fix broken button box style in lime style

* Improve irrigation view, add support for time based rule templates

* Fixes in garage door and barcode scanner related UIs

* Add support for barcode scanners

* Fix creating interface based rules with event based parameters

* Dynamically show/hide the mouse cursor, depending on the input type

* Improve garage door views
* Update help url for the script editor

* Rework closable views and add support for venetian blinds
* Show media browser error messages to the user when available
* Fix event indication LED in things details page
* Fix log viewer not displaying entry values in certain circumstances
* Fix color picker not always sending the last event

* Support inverted IO connections
* Don't use ResetRole in dialog
* Improve attached properties in scripting code completion
* Fix the browsers context menu positioning

* Small improvements in the edit rules page

* Add support for restarting nymea in the settings
* Add support for allowed values in number type params
* Add support for AP mode in settings and display IP address configs
* Fix building with ZeroConf disabled
* Add support for the irrigation interface
* Add support for generic IO connections

* Fix pushbutton auth appearing to fail on a first set
* Improve network settings

* Fix Scripting code completion with just one entry

* Improve certificate pinning mechanism

* Fix popping the page stack when things are deleted
* Fix time zone handling on Android
* Don't allow editing read only params

* Fix filtering for uncategorized on main page tile

* Update upstream android-ssl
* Fix the snap package after including desktop helpers

* Fix units in dynamic graph view updates

* Fix interfaces handling
* Add Thing items and thingId support to script editor

* Change group behavior a bit

* Fix font color on dark headers
* Allow removing childs which weren't autocreated
* Add Radio Paradise icon

* Fix log viewers string/uuid conversion
* Fix spaces and umlauts in code completion for deviceId

* Fix LogViewer and Weather view unit conversion

* Fix building with latest clickable
* Add a Placeholder in button views if there are no presses yet
* Add support for changing the password and manage tokens
* Make use of the new setupStatus property

* Reduce minimum tile size to support 2 columns on most devices
* Fix an assertion when there are no tags
* Revert Fix the app bundle name in the macOS installer.

* Allow building different architectures with clickable

* Fix dependency to Qt.labs.calendar for click, snap and dpkg

* Add support for imperial unit conversion
* Fix signing of the macOS app bundle

* Fix SSL connections on windows

* Reenable UPnP, regardless if ZeroConf is enabled already

* Improve ParamDelegate layout
* Allow filtering by vendor when adding new things
* Fix wording for heating and garagedoors
* Add a smartlock interface
* Add Bluetooth media browser icon

* Implement new system time api
* Add a script editor for nymea scripts

* Fix AWS config casing


Community Built

This app has been released under the GNU GPL v3 license. It is developed in the open and you can review the source code.




Daniel Frost

Reviewed Nov 21, 2022 for version 1.5.6

Works great. Integrating (supported) devices is so simple. Quick support available. So good to have a working IoT app on UT.

Timo Jyrinki

Reviewed Oct 17, 2021 for version 1.0.372

Demo mode works fine on Meizu Pro 5 Ubuntu Edition, should try Nymea on a spare RPI.

Cara Oswin

Reviewed Apr 5, 2021 for version 1.0.297

Crashes upon launch, Pinephone, 3GB mode


Reviewed Dec 6, 2020 for version 1.0.256

Great app! Glad it exists on UT.


Reviewed Aug 5, 2020 for version 1.0.216

Quality well maintained multiplatform app with excellent developers.

Kugi Eusebio

Reviewed May 24, 2020 for version 1.0.207

This is a professionaly made app and what made it more awesome is that it's exactly the same app as you get on Android and iOS. I don't have a nymea box though so not sure if it really works 😂